Stop by and see us!
hb5 co/work42 Union Street South
Concord, NC 28025
Shoot us an email
We live short lives. We make things that don't last—things can't last forever. What really matters? Not what we are making or doing, but who we are doing it for.
Build a better world for everybody & we get to live in it too. A life worth living is found in the relationships & communities we build. Build trust & everyone benefits.
Graduating from school is just another milestone. There will always be more to learn. Keep learning. Keep growing.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. People are different. Different situations call for different solutions. Offer choices.
Coworking is about community; about being surrounded by people with a passion for the work they do.
Experience the accelerated serendipity of coworking. Get exposed to the people who may have the answers you are looking for.
Escape the solitary grind of working alone at home. Break out. Come cowork with us!