We did it—we made it through our grand opening! As we shift from starting a business to running it, we wanted to stop and take a moment to thank all of the people whose support was instrumental in getting us to this point. First and foremost, it would have been impossible to have achieved any of this without the love and support of our families. Lisa, Nicole, Leigh and Alissa, the launch of hb5 co/work is as much yours as it is ours.
If you attended either the grand or the soft open, coworked with us in the last couple months, or walked into the space just to ask, “What's happening here? What's going on?” you have probably been impressed by how cool the inside looks. We had a hand in the design and some of the construction, but most of the actual work of making the place look as nice as it is was handled by our contractors Dirk Theys and Gaute Hunsbedt. These two took our fancy and made it fancy!
Getting here involved a lot of late nights and early mornings. Pushing through would have been impossible were it not for the love of what we do and copious amounts of coffee and baked goods from Paul & Amanda Villani of Villani's Bakery. The cookies they made for the grand opening were amazing and were gone in a flash! Equally amazing was the brisket whipped up by BBQ savant, Chad Connelly. Thanks for sharing your smoked meaty poetry with our patrons at our opening. And thanks, too, goes to Stephen Pennell for providing the musical entertainment and to T. L. Smith making it all sound so good.
Diane Young and the Concord Downtown Development Corporation provided material and motivational support that helped us get over the hump. Josh Jenkins and Jason Robinson had no real reason to hang out and help out but did so anyway. You guys rock!
And finally, thanks to everyone who came out and coworked with us while we ramped up for our grand opening! At the end of the day, a coworking space can look cool, can be chocked full of amenities, but without people and the myriad talents, opinions and experiences they bring, it's just another building.
Photo: Flickr user: woodlywonderworks